Swing Mounting Guide

Agnieszka Calka-Bonczak

Posted on January 26 2021

Step 1: Choose Your Location

Along with making sure the swing itself can fit in your chosen spot, you need to make sure there's adequate room around it. Find a spot that allows for at least three feet of space behind the swing, and at least 16 inches on either side to prevent hitting a wall or railing. Also take into consideration the height of your ceiling, our swings are made for standard ceiling hight (please check details in our listings).


Step 2: Find the Ceiling Joist

(Ceiling joists are beams laid across the top of the walls of a building. To provide a support for the ceilings. In most houses these joists are lengths of solid timber. Some houses will have steel joists.)

It might be the second step, but it's definitely the most important. You need to find a solid ceiling joist to mount the swing to, and if you can't find a solid ceiling joist in your chosen location, it's back to square one—having the right amount of space doesn't mean anything if it can't be safely installed there.

If you don’t find a solid joist, installers risk attaching the swing mount to a ceiling that cannot support it, or worse—it will pull the ceiling down on the person sitting in the swing. If the only spot you have for a swing can't support the load, you have to consider an alternate location or using a mounting plate.

And you have to be careful, because not all ceilings can hold the weight of a swing. Even when they look solid, some ceilings are strictly decorative. Most suspended ceilings are not designed to hold any real weight.

You may have to mount a board across the joists to ensure adequate support for the swing, which would require opening up the ceiling and adding extra support.

Toddler swings are smaller and can be hanged in wide door frames. 


Step 3: Install and Check the Mount

Once you've got your location—and a ceiling joist with proper support—it's time to install the mount. So, let's talk about weight requirements: A single person swing should have a mount of 600 pounds capacity or more.

Now, for the install. First, you have to pre-drill holes and use suitable screws or lag bolts to attach the mounting. There are different screws and bolts required depend on the material you are drilling holes in, ie. wooden beam needs different screws than concrete or steel. 

Then you have to test it out—yes, before you actually hang the swing. Test it with your full body weight by hanging on the mount.


Step 4: Hang the Swing

Once the mount is installed, attach the swing and double-check the swing ropes to ensure it's solid. When you hang the swing, you'll need to make sure it's at the appropriate height—typically that should be somewhere between 14 and 24 inches from the ground.


Okay, so how hard is hanging a swing, really?

Hanging an indoor swing is a project of moderate difficulty, that requires electric tools and DIY skills. If you are at all unsure of how to proceed, consult a knowledgeable person or a professional.

 Our Didou toddler swings come with the open hooks and metal rings on the ropes.


Other swing models come with the carabiner locks, or carabiner locks and metal rings hooks are sold separately.



Cocoon swings comes with solid polyester strap.



You can purchase hooks in our shop or in DIY store/ internet shopping platforms.




We offer three types of hooks:


1. Closed hooks no screws/bolts included. This is on a budget version and with use it can show metal filings on the ropes (black dust).




2. Closed hooks with 180 degrees swing ring, screws and bolts included. Perfect for traditional swings.


3. Closed hooks with 360 degrees rotable ring, screws included. Ideal for bungee swings or cocoon.



There are many types of hooks available on the market, choose what’s best for your ceiling and swing, ask professional for help if ever unsure and remember: safety first!


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